Next ship 🇨🇦 Canada : March 11-12 🇺🇸🇪🇺 Exports : March 17-18 (order by March 12) ❄️Complimentary winter insulation♨️ DISCOUNT CODES CANADA ONLY MARCH 7-10 50CANADA500 AND 100CANADA1000

Hoya latifolia (silver)

Hoya latifolia (silver)

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🌱 Unrooted cuttings : it is recommended to be experienced in rooting Hoyas before trying rarer or more expensive species. Some cuttings can be more difficult to root (ex: highly variegated Hoyas or with variegated red/yellow stems) we would suggest to keep on the dryer side while rooting and avoid rooting in water. Buyer is responsible for rooting.

💦 Reverse osmosis water is used for cuttings that started rooting in water and/or shipped in floral tubes.

🪴 Some items ship without pot.

🌏 Roots need to be trimmed/cut for exports outside of USA. All US exports ship bareroots.

➕ Items priced under $100 cad are available as add-ons.